林梦雷,教授,硕士生导师,福建省系统工程常务理事、福建省人工智能学会理事。从事高等学校科研、教育教学工作30年,主讲本科生基础课《解析几何》、《抽象代数》、研究生专业课《模糊数学》等课程教学工作。从事粗糙集理论及其应用有关问题的研究,2006年以来主持完成福建省自然科学基金项目1项、教育厅项目1项;参加完成和在研国家自然科学基金项目3项。在《Information Sciences》、《Neurocomputing》、《Applied Intelligence》、《International Journal of Applied Mathematics & Statistics》、《Information an international interdisciplinary journal》、《UTILITAS MATHEMATICA》、《数学学报》、《模式识别与人工智能》等杂志上发表论文近30篇。
[1]Lin Menglei(林梦雷). Anti intuitionistic fuzzy subgroup and its homomorphic image, International Journal of Applied Mathematics, 2013, 43(13): 387-391.
[2]刘景华,林梦雷,王晨曦,林耀进.基于局部子空间的多标记特征选择算法,模式识别与人工智能, 2016,3(29): 240-251.
[3]张佳,林耀进,林梦雷,刘景华.基于目标用户近邻修正的协同过滤算法,模式识别与人工智能, 2015,28(9):802-810.
蔡建平,主要研究方向为混沌控制与同步、混沌保密通信,研究的问题与物理、力学、信息安全等应用学科紧密相关。近年在《Physica Scripta》,《Physica A》,《IET Control Theory and Applications》,《Optik》等国内外重要期刊发表论文70多篇,其中32篇被SCI收录,论文被他人引用超过120篇次发表于SCI期刊。主持漳州市自然科学基金项目一项(ZZ2016J33)。以第一合作者参加完成国家自然科学基金项目一项(61074012),主持并完成福建省自然科学基金项目(2011J01025)、福建省资助省属高校专项重点项目(JK2009020)和一般项目(2007F5099)等基金项目。2012年获漳州师范学院教学成果奖一等奖(排名3)。被聘为学术期刊《International Journal of Mathematics & Statistics》编委、《Mathematical Reviews》评论员。福建省数学会第九届常务理事(2008-2012)。担任研究生《现代微分方程基础》、《分岔与混沌》、《混沌控制与同步》等课程的教学工作。
[1] Cai Jianping (蔡建平), Mihua Ma, Synchronization between two non-autonomous chaotic systems via intermittent control of sinusoidal state error feedback, Optik, 2017, 130: 455-463, ISSN: 0030-4026. (SCI)
[2] Cai Jianping (蔡建平), Mihua Ma, Xiaofeng Wu. Synchronization of a class of master-slave non-autonomous chaotic systems with parameter mismatch via sinusoidal feedback controlInternational Journal of Modern Physics B, 2011, 25(16)2195-2215, ISSN: 0217-9792. (SCI)
[3]Cai Jianping (蔡建平), Xiaofeng Wu, Shuhui Chen. Synchronization criteria fornonautonomous chaotic systems via sinusoidal state error feedback control, Physica Scripta, 2007, 75(3)379-386, ISSN 0031-8949. (SCI)
林福财,1979年10月生,博士,教授,2011年6月毕业于四川大学的基础数学专业,现为福建省闽南师范大学数学与统计学院副院长、拓扑学及其应用校级创新团队负责人。2011年被聘为《Mathematical Reviews》(美国数学评论)评论员(No. 080581)。2014年被聘为《zbMATH》(德国数学文摘)评论员(No. 14892)。2014年被聘为期刊《International Journal of Mathematics and Statistics》编委。2017年被聘为期刊《Applied General Topology》编委。长期从事一般拓扑学中拓扑代数的研究工作和数学与统计学院的基础专业课的教学工作。主持国家自然科学基金2项、福建省自然科学基金1项和福建省教育厅项目2项,参与国家自然科学基金2项和福建省自然科学基金3项,特别在林寿教授主持的国家自然科学基金项目“广义度量方法及其在D空间和传感器最优布局问题中的应用”中表现突出,取得一系列好的成果。其中“关于仿拓扑群”2014年荣获第十一届福建省自然科学优秀学术论文二等奖(第1完成人)。出版专著1部,发表学术论文52篇,SCI收录34篇。2013年入选高校杰出青年科研人才培育计划,2014年被漳州市评为优秀共产党员,2015年获得福建青年五四奖章和入选漳州市第三批优秀人才计划,2016年荣获漳州市第六届青年科技奖。2017年入选福建省高校新世纪人才计划。
[1]国家自然科学基金, 11571158,自由(仿)拓扑群中广义度量性质的刻画,主持.
[2]国家自然科学基金, 11201414,仿拓扑群的广义度量性质及其在紧化中的应用,主持.
[1]Fucai Lin(林福财), Li-Hong Xie, Jing Zhang, Direct limit topologies of quasi-uniform spaces and paratopological groups, Banach Journal of Mathematical Analysis, 10(1),2016:48-70. (SCI)
[2]Fucai Lin(林福财), Chuan Liu, Shou Lin, StefanCobzas,Free Abelian paratopological groups over metric spaces, Topology and its Applications, 2015, 183: 90--109. (SCI)
[3]Fucai Lin(林福财), Jing Zhang, Kexiu Zhang,Locally \sigma-compact rectifiable spaces, Topology and its Applications, 2015, 193: 182--191.
[4]Fucai Lin(林福财), Chuan Liu.
on free topological groups, Topology and its Applications, 2014, 176: 10--21. (SCI)
[5]Fucai Lin(林福财), Kexiu Zhang. A problem of M. Tkachenko on semi-topological groups, Topology and its Applications, 2014, 172: 10--13. (SCI)
[6]Fucai Lin(林福财), Kexiu Zhang, Changqing Li, Weichen. Some Problems of Arhangel'skii on Diagonal-flexible spaces and Rotoids, Topology and its Applications, 2014, 167: 26--30. (SCI)
[7]Fucai Lin(林福财). The operators of rotoids in homogeneous spaces or generalized ordered spaces, Topology and its Applications, 2014, 161: 248--262. (SCI)
[8]Fucai Lin(林福财). Pseudocompact rectifiable spaces, Topology and its Applications, 2014, 164: 215--228. (SCI)
[9]Fucai Lin(林福财). Local minimalities in paratopological groups, Topology and its Applications, 2014, 165: 69--83. (SCI)
[10] Fucai Lin(林福财), Lin Shou.π-metrizable spaces and strongly π-metrizable spaces, Houston J. Math., 2013, 39(1) : 273--285. (SCI)
[11] Fucai Lin(林福财). A note on paratopological groups with countable networks of sequential neighborhoods, Topology Proceedings, 2013, 41: 9--16. (SCI)
[12] Fucai Lin(林福财). Compactly generated rectifiable spaces or paratopological groups, Math.Commun.2013, 18: 417-427. (SCI)
[2]图的(规范)拉普拉斯谱若干问题研究,福建省高校青年自然基金重点项目(No. JZ160455),2016.12-2019.12,5万,主持
[3]超图的张量表示及其谱理论研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目(No.11471077), 2015.1—2018.12, 56万, 参与
[4]图的若干谱极值问题研究, 福建省自然科学基金面上项目(No.2014J01020), 2014.1—2016.12, 3万,主持,已结题。
[5]图的规范拉普拉斯谱研究, 中国博士后科学基金面上项目(No.2014M551831), 2014.2—2015.12,5万,主持,已结题。
[6]国家自然科学基金青年科学项目(No.11101358),图的拉普拉斯谱研究,2012.1—2014.12, 23万,主持,已结题。
[7]福建省自然科学基金青年人才创新项目(No.2011J05014),图的拉普拉斯谱及其应用若干问题的研究,2011.4—2013.12, 2万,主持,已结题。
[8]福建省自然科学基金面上项目(No.2011J01026),极值图论的一些问题,2011.4—2013.12, 3万,参与,已结题。
[1]J. Li(李建喜), Y. Liu, W.C. Shiu, The irregularity of two types of trees, Discr. Math.Theoretical Compu. Sci., 17(2016), 203-216. SCI
[2]J. Li(李建喜), J.-M. Guo, W.C. Shiu, A note on Randi\'c energy, MATCH Commun.Math.Comput. Chem., 74(2015), 389-398. SCI
[3]J. Li(李建喜), J.-M. Guo, W.C. Shiu, A. Chang, An edge-separating theorem on the second smallest normalized Laplacian eigenvalue of a graph and its applications,Discr. Appl. Math., 171(2014), 104-115. SCI
[4]J. Li(李建喜), J.-M. Guo, W.C. Shiu, On the second largest Laplacian eigenvalues of graphs, Lin. Alg. Appl., 438(2013), 2438-2446. SCI
[5]J. Li(李建喜), J.-M. Guo, W.C. Shiu, The smallest values of algebraic connectivity for trees, Acta Math. Sin.-English Series, 28(2012), 2021-2032. SCI
[6]J. Li(李建喜), W.C. Shiu, W.H. Chan,On the Laplacian spectral radii of bipartite graphs, Lin. Alg. Appl., 435 (2011), 2183-2192. SCI
[7]J. Li(李建喜), J.-M. Guo, W.C. Shiu, The orderings of bicyclic graphs and connected graphs by algebraic connectivity, Electr. J. Combin., 17 (2010) , #R162. SCI
[8]J. Li(李建喜), J.-M. Guo, W.C. Shiu, The smallest values of algebraic connectivity for unicyclic graphs, Discr. Appl. Math., 158(2010), 1633-1643. SCI
[9]J. Li(李建喜), W.C. Shiu, A. Chang, The number of spanning trees of a graph, Appl. Math. Lett., 23 (2010), 286-290. SCI
林国平,博士,教授,硕士生导师,福建省粒计算及其应用重点实验室副主任。主要从事数据挖掘与机器学习、粗糙集与粒计算理论及其应用的研究。曾获得山西省优秀博士论文奖,闽南师范大学“五四青年奖章”。主持国家自然青年科学基金1项,主持福建省自然科学基金面上项目1项,主持福建省教育厅科技项目3项;参与国家自然科学基金3项;福建省自然科学基金5项;近年来,先后在《IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems》、《Information Sciences》、《Knowledge-Based Systems》、《International Journal of Approximate reasoning》、《International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics》、《International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems》、《Journal of Computational Information Systems》、《软件学报》、《模式识别与人工智能》等国内外重要学术刊物发表论文20余篇。
[1]Lin Guoping (林国平), Liang Jiye, Qian Yuhua, Li Jinjin, A fuzzy multigranulation decision-theoretic approach to multi-source fuzzy information systems, Knowledge-based Systems, 91, (2016)102-113. (SCI源期刊,二区)
[2]Lin Guoping (林国平), Liang Jiye, Qian Yuhua, An information fusion approach combining multigranulation rough sets and evidence theory, Information Sciences 314(2015)184-190. (SCI源期刊,二区).
[3]Lin Guoping (林国平), Liang Jiye, Qian Yuhua, Multigranulation rough sets: from partition to covering, Information Sciences, 241(20) (2013) 101-118. (SCI源期刊,二区)
[4] Lin Guoping (林国平), Liang Jiye, Qian Yuhua, Uncertainty measure for multigranulation approximation space, International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems, 23(03)(2015)443-457. (SCI源期刊,四区).
[5]Lin Guoping(林国平), Liang Jiye, Qian Yuhua, Topological approach to multigranulation rough sets, International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics, 5(2)(2014)233-243. (SCI源期刊,四区)
[6]Lin Yaojin, Li JinJin, Lin Peirong, Lin Guoping (林国平), Chen Jinkun, Feature selection via neighborhood multigranulation fusion, Knowledge-Based Systems, 67(2014) 162–168. (SCI源期刊,二区)
[7]Qian Yuhua, Li Yebin, Liang Jiye, Lin Guoping (林国平), Dang Chuangyin. Fuzzy granular structure distance. IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, 2015, 23(6): 2245-2259. (SCI源期刊,一区)
[8]Tan Anhui, Wu Weizhi, Li Jinjin, Lin Guoping (林国平), Evidence-theory-based numerical characterization of multigranulation rough sets in incomplete information systems, Fuzzy Set and Systems, doi:10.1016/j.fss.2015.08.016. (SCI源期刊,二区)
[9] Tan Anhui, Li Jinjin, Lin Guoping (林国平). Connections between covering-based rough sets and concept lattices. International Journal of Approximate Reasoning 56 (2015): 43-58. (SCI源期刊,三区)
[10]Tan Anhui, Li Jinjin, Lin Guoping (林国平), Lin Yaojin. Fast approach to knowledge acquisition in covering information systems using matrix operations. Knowledge-Based Systems, 2015,79: 90-98. (SCI源期刊,二区)
[11]Qian Yuhua,Liang Xinyan,Lin Guoping (林国平),Guo Qian,Liang Jiye,Local multigranulation decision-theoretic rough sets,International Journal of Approximate Reasoning,82 (2017) 119–137. (SCI源期刊,三区)
[2]国家自然科学基金青年项目,基于多数据源协同学习方法的方剂组配规律研究,2014.01-2016.12, 23万,主持.
[1]Lin Y(林耀进), Hu Q, Zhang J, et al. Multi-label feature selection with streaming labels. Information Sciences, 2016, 372: 256-275.
[2]Lin Y(林耀进), Hu Q, Liu J, et al. Multi-label feature selection based on neighborhood mutual information. Applied Soft Computing, 2016, 38: 244-256.
[3]Lin Y(林耀进), Hu Q, Liu J, et al. Multi-label feature selection based on max-dependency and min-redundancy. Neurocomputing, 2015, 168: 92-103.
[4]Lin Y(林耀进), Hu X, Wu X. Quality of information-based source assessment and selection. Neurocomputing, 2014, 133: 95-102.
[5]Lin Y(林耀进), Hu X, Wu X. Ensemble learning from multiple information sources via label propagation and consensus. Applied intelligence, 2014, 41(1): 30-41.
[6]Lin Y(林耀进), Li J, Lin P, et al. Feature selection via neighborhood multi-granulation fusion. Knowledge-Based Systems, 2014, 67: 162-168.
[7]Lin Y(林耀进), Li J, Lin M, et al. A new nearest neighbor classifier via fusing neighborhood information. Neurocomputing, 2014, 143: 164-169.
[8]Lin Y(林耀进), Hu X, Li X, et al. Mining stable patterns in multiple correlated databases. Decision Support Systems, 2013, 56: 202-210.